Wednesday 30 August 2017

Foreign Language Learning

“Hello!” “¡Hola!” “Bonjour!” “Hallo!” “Marhaba!”.....

Do some of the words sound familiar? Well, these are some of the ways you may be greeted in different parts of the world in different languages or what we term as ‘Foreign Languages’. 
Before really getting into discussing why it is important to learn new languages, let us try to first understand what is meant by language. What a silly question, is it not? Language is of course what we speak and write. Almost correct - because it is something much more than that. True that the technical definition explains it as a set of conventional written, manual or vocal symbols which is used as a means of communication between a particular group of people. It is the building block of our civilization, helping us to make the transition from a savage state till our present form. It allows us to express our thoughts and ideas in a lucid manner to others and they are able to understand them. It is the carrier of our history and culture. It is an integral part of our society and helps us retain our identities in the global melee. So, you see why it is so much a part of our existence.
Our lives, nowadays, are connected with each other on a global scale, more than ever before. We are travelling across borders with increasing frequency for work or study or pleasure. We are interacting with people belonging to different ethnicities and are being exposed to different cultures. Not only that, many of us have family members who are natives of foreign land. Sometimes we ourselves need to talk to somebody who speaks a different language. We try our best to adjust ourselves to such circumstances but we do have a feeling of inadequacy when we fail to follow a conversation or get our opinion across or unable to fully assimilate ourselves with the local customs. Hence, the need for learning a foreign language is becoming imperative.

Let’s take a look at some of the important reasons to learn a foreign language:

1) It is a Gateway to a Whole New Career: Knowing multiple languages will improve your career prospects tremendously.  The world is currently in a state of flux with change being the only constant. Companies are expanding their business across borders and they would like to have people working with them who have a global perspective on things. Knowing a foreign language will give you an edge over your competitors. You must know people who fly in and out of countries on business. Well, you could be one of them. Even local companies are now giving preference to candidates who can speak at least one foreign language. That’s not all. You can always use your knowledge of a different language to build your own entrepreneurship. You can offer Translation or Transcription services to clients from all over the world. You can even become a language teacher yourself if you really put your heart into it.

2) Understand Different Cultures and Make New Friends: Have you ever been among a group of people in a different country who are laughing at something and you just stand there waiting for someone to explain what is happening. Makes you wish you knew their language so that you could enjoy together. Or, maybe you are at café and you the servers chatting with the customers. He comes to serve you and just gives a nod and a smile. You missed a great opportunity to communicate and get to understand a new culture from up close. Well, this is another reason to learn a foreign language. It will give you an opportunity of to make new friends and understand their lives, their food, their manners, their literature and their history. If you are planning to relocate to a new country or you are a frequent traveler there, then knowing the language of that place is crucial.

3) Make the World a Better Place: Knowing a language different will foster a feeling of friendliness between people across borders. When we are able to understand the culture and the environment a person comes from you will understand him or her so much better. A feeling of mutual trust develops and this goes a long way in breaking barriers. It is a way out of the narrowness of vision so dominating the society.  Just knowing someone else’s language goes a long way in building bridges between people.

4) Stay Connected: Knowing a foreign language will add a lot to your personality and make you more interesting to know. Multilingualism is appreciated by one and it helps you connect with more people. People would want to talk to you and would want to know why you decided to learn a new language. Your answer must just inspire them to take up the challenge too. You would also find this skill extremely useful even if you are visiting a foreign land as a tourist. Interacting with the locals will help you get the feel of the place so much more than any guided tour or the internet.
5) Be Smarter: Studies have shown again and again that learning a new language improves memory, helps increase attention span and slows down the age –related mental decline. In other words, it actually makes you smarter! In the process of learning, you embark on a journey of rediscovering yourself – identifying your strengths and weaknesses. You realize that there is so much you can do to improve yourself. Learning a foreign language is not merely about picking up a new tongue – it is also about self discipline as it requires regular practice. Imagine how wonderful you will feel when you will become fluent in the language you have chosen to learn. It will be a great boost to your self confidence.

It is quite obvious that there are a host of reasons for learning a Foreign Language. Yes, it will be difficult and yes, it will take some effort. But what is life without a few challenges, right? So, what are you waiting for? Visit our foreign Language Page and get started with a language of your choice under the able guidance of our highly qualified and experienced teachers.



italki is a global language learning website that connects students and teachers for online language lessons. So what are you waiting for? Become fluent in any language Choose from over 10,000 teachers from various countries and become fluent in any language for 1-on-1 lessons based on your personal interests and career goals.

I am giving you $10 to learn a language on italki. The amount will be credited to your italki wallet once you book your first lesson. Click on this link to avail this offer:

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With over 5 million students learning more than 130 languages, italki opens the door for everyone to earn money by simply teaching one's native language as either a professional tutor or a community tutor. Watch this video to know the process of becoming an italki teacher. I have explained all the stages of the application process.

Written by Kusumika

If you have any query, then e-mail us at

Monday 10 April 2017

IELTS Says Hello To You!

The IELTS test is applicable for people who need to demonstrate their English language proficiency for different purposes, whether academic or professional. There are two formats to choose from depending on your needs. Firstly, there is the Academic Training module which is availed primarily by those who are planning to apply to an international university where the primary spoken language is English. This is also used as a measure of language proficiency for educators, nurses and other professionals. Next, is the General Training module which is suitable if you want to work, live or take training abroad in an English-speaking country. It is always a smart move to check beforehand which module the institute you are applying to wants you to clear.

The IELTS test is administered in more than 1000 test centres all over the world. You can find out all relevant information about test dates and cost by contacting your nearest centre or visiting the official IELTS website

The IELTS consists of four modules or sections that are designed to test the full range of English language skills – Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. The Listening and Speaking sections are same for both the modules. The Reading and Writing sections, however, are different. Being an international test, the English used here and heard on the audio can be British, American or New Zealand English. The language however will be comprehensible to any learner of English. As long as a spelling is correct, the examiners will accept it. So, there is no need to worry about whether to use American English or British English. The IELTS exam takes a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes to be completed. The Listening, Reading and Writing modules are taken in one sitting without a break. The Speaking module may be taken 7 days before or after of the other modules.

You cannot pass or fail IELTS. The test is scored on a band scale. A band is a level of ability. You can score anywhere between 0-9 bands. The test results will be sent to your home address or educational institute within two weeks of taking the test. You will be given your total band score as well as a breakdown of your scores in the four different sections. An IELTS score is valid for a period of 2 years.
If you are thinking of taking the IELTS test, then it is advisable that you continue with your efforts to improve in English through class study or self-study. It is important that you read, write, speak and listen to English on a regular basis.

Some of the ways you can improve through self-study may be:-

Ø  Listening:
·         Podcasts on the internet
·         News websites or channels like BBC, CNN, NBC, CBS etc.
·         Watching YouTube
Ø  Speaking:
·         Use Skype or any other such media to talk to English speakers
·         Pick any random topic and talk about it for 2-3 minutes
·         Make an audio or video of yourself while speaking, watch it and then try to rectify your mistakes
Ø  Writing:         
·         Write a blog or an article
·         Leave comments on blogs or videos
·         Post messages in chat rooms
·         Write a letter to your friend
·         Write something on Facebook or Twitter
Ø  Reading:
      ·         Read newspapers and magazines in English online or otherwise
      ·         Do web research on subjects that interest you
      ·         Follow blogs that interest you
      ·         Read books written in English

You can also develop listening skills and vocabulary by watching movies or listening to songs in English. Try and use as much English as possible in your daily lives. Make sure that the English you hear feature a mix of American, British, Australian, New Zealand and South African accents. Get your grammatical skills polished and work on building a substantial vocabulary range. There are many websites which have standard resources and guides to help the test takers. Some of them, which I find to be good, are:-

It is wise to remember that ‘Practice makes a man perfect’. So, focus on practising and all the best to you!

Written by Kusumika

If you have any query, then e-mail us at

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Speak... Buddy Speak!


“The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself.”
                                                                     -  Bernard Baruch   

... And what better way to express an idea than speaking about it?

As an English Language Trainer, one of the queries I face often is, “Ma’am, how do I improve my Spoken English?” In reality, there is no one-stop solution for this. Each of us is different and, therefore, the difficulties faced by us are different as well. Some may have issues in pronunciation, some may have difficulty in vocabulary, while some may simply be afraid to speak. Actually, the last is the most common barrier to fluent speaking. You may have all the resources you need, but still while speaking, you suddenly become conscious and stumble. But, all is not lost - for a good trainer would be able to help you improve your speaking skills. In the meantime, there are a few simple tips you may follow to work by yourself and make progress in the way you speak.

The first thing you should do is stop getting worked-up!! It is absolutely okay to make mistakes. We all fumble at times but this is no reason why you should get de-motivated. In fact, this should spur you on. Take it up as a challenge and try not to repeat the make mistakes again. However, if you do it again – no problem – try a third time! I am going to share with you some of the strategies I advice my students to take to improve their speaking skills.

Strategy – I

Slow Down Your Speed of Speaking

You may be a fluent speaker in your mother tongue, but that may not be the case while attempting to speak in English. Though it is true that getting across your point is more important than perfect speaking, yet one has to keep in mind that making a good impression on the audience is also important. It is completely acceptable, if you speak more slowly and more clearly. It would help you not only in pronunciation but also in word selection.

Strategy – II

Speak, Speak, Speak

It is said that practice makes a man (woman) perfect. Therefore, there is no better way to improve spoken skills than speaking as much as possible. Do not be shy. Be confident and speak as much as possible to as many people as you can! Don’t feel conscious if you make mistakes. The more you practice, the more you improve your pronunciation and achieve fluency.

Strategy – III

Be A Good Listener Too

Listen for what to say and how to say. Sometimes, when speaking a foreign language, we are so focussed on what we are saying and whether it’s correct or not, that we forget to listen to what is being said by others. It’s important that we pay attention when others speak so that we are able to pick up words and grammar, which we may use later. Listening is actually a great resource for speaking. Listen to news bulletins or songs to improve pronunciation.

Strategy – IV

Try to Read Aloud

I am sure you love to listen to the sound of your own voice. So, why not use this to improve your speaking? Take a book, a magazine or a newspaper and read aloud to yourself. This is an excellent way to improve pronunciation as you only focus on the words you speak without bothering about grammatical structure. Note down any new words you come across and find out what it means. This adds to your vocabulary.

Strategy – V

Use Technology

Technology is literally available at our fingertips now. Your smartphone can be a very useful tool for learning a language. Use it to record yourself speak and play it back to hear how your English sounds to others. Try to find your mistakes and work on rectifying them.

Strategy – VI

Do Some Activity in English Everyday

Try and set aside at least 1 hour each day to do something purely in English. Take a cooking lesson or join a Book Club. No matter what you do, make sure that you communicate only in English while doing it. More importantly, enjoy what you do!

Strategy – VII

Watch Good Movies Regularly

Watching movies regularly will serve two purposes. It will keep you entertained as well as help you improve pronunciation and vocabulary. Imitate the way your favourite stars say their dialogues and have fun while learning!

Strategy – VIII

Make English Speaking Friends

Make friends with people who are English speakers or who are learning to speak. Converse with them in English and compare notes. Pick up topics for discussions and debates. Try to use a wide range of vocabulary while speaking.

Strategy – IX

Learn Sentence, Not Only Words

One of the most common problems I have come across is that sometimes people know a lot of words but have little idea of how to use them. So, whenever you come across a new word, try to make a couple of sentences with it, so that when you actually speak, you will know exactly where and how to place the words. Try to practice speaking in chunks and not in single words.

Strategy – X

Use A Mirror

Whenever possible, spend 2-3 minutes facing a mirror and speak. Choose a topic you find interesting and just talk. Watch your mouth, face and hands and observe your kinesics (body language). Remember, non-verbal communication is as important as speaking. Don’t stop speaking even if you have mispronounced a word or made a mistake in grammar. You can always correct it later. Just focus on fluency and how many inaccuracies are occurring during the time you have set for speaking.

Always remember that there is absolutely no reason why you cannot speak English fluently. Keep on practicing and I am sure that you would become a fine orator one day. I hope you find my strategies useful. Feel free to contact me, if you have and questions, I am here to help you learn.

Written by Kusumika

If you have any query, then e-mail us at