Training Courses

IELTS Preparation

Canada, US, UK, Australia and New Zealand are considered to be the lands of opportunities. So build your English skills to get the desired band score in all the four sections of both General Training and Academic modules of IELTS exam in the first attempt it

TOEFL Preparation fully prepared in all four sections of the TOEFL iBT and look to achieve your required score. We are with you from the beginning stage till you fulfill your aim of settling in the US.

Communicative English Course your English speaking skills and speak English fluently with clear pronunciation and adequate vocabulary. This course is designed separately for both regular learners and professionals.


PSAT & SAT Preparation the skill needed to achieve your desired score in SAT English portion and join the college of your dreams. Test your SAT preparedness by taking the PSAT and score well to apply for national scholarships.  

GMAT Preparation the verbal section and Analytical Writing Assessments with confidence to get a high score and take your first step towards getting a management degree.

Send your query here 👈 


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